Corporate Programs

As employees begin to feel pain their work habits change, usually in a manner that isn’t totally obvious to the company, but in a manner that slowly eats away at productivity. Eventually the employee begins to take time away from the workplace, causing an expense to the company and a burden to the remaining staff.

And this is only the beginning! If this continues and the level of pain increases,

  • the employee may end up on a disability leave,
  • the company may face the possibility of paying two people for the same position although one of them is now on light, restricted, or “different” duty
  • the employee may file a Worker’s Compensation claim against the company.

Costs continue to rise as replacement staff needs to be hired to fill the empty chair, and many times the company loses in productivity and proficiency, especially if the missing employee was a skilled professional.

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) can cause a business to sustain such high insurance premiums and related expenses that eventually it must close its doors!

Repetitive Strain Injury, the pain associated with muscle tension, has been identified as the #1 cause of non-fatal Worker’s Compensation claims.

Repetitive Strain Injuries hurt our entire country! As a company’s medical costs climb, the expense is shifted to the cost of the product or service being sold. These higher costs are then the impetus for other products to become more expensive to pay for the increases, and it goes on and on. Eventually everything is more expensive, yet the businesses are losing money. There aren’t any winners in this contest – only losers.

  • Repetitive strain injuries are the fastest growing category of occupational illnesses, increasing more than 600%
    over the last decade.
  • In 1994, more than 700,000 Worker’s Compensation cases in which employees missed work – almost one-third
    of the total – were caused by repetitive strain injuries. This number has gone up steadily over the years.
  • Repetitive strain injuries account for more than two-thirds of all workers’ compensation payments, amounting
    to $20 billion annually.

This can be prevented and reversed!

It isn’t enough to be ergonomic. In many cases workstations, and positions that are held to accomplish a job, can’t be changed. Even with the latest ergonomic equipment, people are still doing the same movement over and over.

It is vital to look at each employee, assess how the repetitive strain is happening, and then teach the employee how to release the tension that is being created on a daily basis.

With an eye toward profitability, many companies are recognizing the need to reduce workplace pain, and muscle injury in order to improve their company’s bottom line and help maximize productivity. The issues of pain, fatigue, and injury are especially serious when it comes to a specialized industry or to a workforce that includes highly educated staff. These employees have skills and expertise that can only be gained through years of experience. Companies are finding it almost impossible, and very expensive, to find suitable replacements for their injured workers.

Companies need to do all they can to keep their most productive employees in the workforce longer. Pain can cause accidents to happen and providing for employee comfort and safety is an inexpensive, yet powerful incentive for maintaining an injury-free workforce.

That’s where Julie Donnelly fits in. She works with you to develop a customized program that fits your business. The way Julie looks at your employees and understands the strain they are placing on their bodies, is unique. Julie doesn’t look to change the job, she strives to help the employee continue working while learning how to self-treat his/her muscles, releasing the tension that is created on a daily basis.

Bringing Julie and the Julstro Self-Treatment Systems to your employees can make the difference between an employee working at their ultimate performance level or not working at all.

Contact Us to arrange an appointment that can save you many thousands of dollars in medical costs and lost productivity.