
“When I first learned that there was actually a cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at a recent seminar, I thought it was just too good to be true. I have been suffering for years from RSI and thought my career was coming to an end. Surgery was not an option I wished to take, and so I decided I would just live with it. After just a half hour of trying the Julstro Self-Treatment System for Hand/Wrist Pain & Numbness, I felt immediate relief. It’s only been a week and the results are truly amazing. It’s so simple, so logical, so easy to use and, best of all, no more wasted time with doctor’s visits.

Thank you!”

Diana Pereira, RPR-CSR-CRR

Federal Court Reporter


Self-Care is simple! Julie has combined over 30 years of working with clients into easy-to-read and understand books and video programs. As you read each description, you’ll know which is the best product for your situation, or you can send Julie a note and she’ll recommend the book/program that is best for you.

*Instruction from Julie Donnelly does not replace the advice given by your physician. Always check with your physician before starting any type of exercise or treatment program.