Welcome From Julie Donnelly

Julie Donnelly
When it comes to pain changing the course of a life, Julie is an expert. Julie shares with others what she learned through the school of hard knocks! The techniques she developed, and the self-treatments she teaches, began when she had debilitating pain that caused her to shut down her massage business completely. Through years of experimentation on herself and others, Julie has figured out how to relieve all sorts of chronic pain which derails people from every walk of life.
Her unique way of looking at the muscles that cause pain has enabled people around the world understand the source of their pain. Equally as important, Julie shows how to release the tight muscles themselves so that they can return to work or play quickly – without expensive surgeries or addictive pain pills.
Corporate Programs
As employees begin to feel pain their work habits change, usually in a manner that isn’t totally obvious to the company, but in a manner that slowly eats away at productivity. Eventually, the employee begins to take time away from the workplace, causing an expense to the company and a burden to the remaining staff.
And this is only the beginning!

Consultation & Instruction
Knowledge is power! Knowing how to effectively use that knowledge to reduce your pain is even more powerful!
Studies have proven that everyone learns differently. Whether people need to read, hear a spoken lesson, or watch a demonstration, in all cases, people remember more of the information they just learned if they actually do the task or technique.
Professional Speaking
Is your audience longing for solutions to pain problems that are keeping them from doing the things they enjoy?
If your job is to schedule a program which is full of fresh ideas and immediately useful techniques, then Julie Donnelly is your answer!
For over thirty years, Julie has been specializing in teaching people how to find the source of muscle and joint pain, and then showing them how to do simple techniques that stop the pain FAST!